![]() 丝绸之路青年学者研讨会是西安交通大学于2015年发起的面向全球杰出青年学者开办的职业发展交流盛会,是强化现代化建设人才支撑的切实举措。目前,研讨会已连续成功举办9届,共遴选邀请来自30多个国家(地区)的2100余位海内外优秀青年学者参会。研讨会将为海内外优秀青年学者搭建一个深入交流的平台,促进来访学者与西安交大相关学科和教师建立起实质性的联系与合作,吸引更多的青年才俊来陕干事创业,助力中国高等教育和科学研究的进步与发展... [更多] Silk Road International Symposium (SRIS) is an extraordinary communicating event for academic and professional development which is held by Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) for outstanding young scholars from all over the world. Meanwhile, XJTU would also like to take this opportunity to facilitate the communication and collaboration between the invited scholars and XJTU faculties, present... [more] |